I realized the intrigue of drawing and painting as a youngster, significantly encouraged by my parents and grade school art teacher. That early fascination has snow-balled to the present day.

When my children were young, I enjoyed creating phantasy scenes , with emphasis on color, imaginative subjects and ethereal atmosphere. Soon later, my art evolved to include Collograph Print-making and stained glass design & construction.

After more than fifteen years of creating personal and commissioned windows, doorways, and cabinet glasses, I altered my concentration to painting and ceramic sculpture.

I began my formal art training at Montserrat School for the Arts in Beverly, Ma. Sequentially, I joined Robert Cormier’s life drawing classes at the Guild of Boston Artists (& Gammel Studios) and David Curtis’s plein air oil painting “atelier” in Gloucester & Rockport, MA. Though Robert Cormier provided excellent training and ability to render form accurately, David inspired my passion for oil painting and ability to represent the natural world’s captivating nuances and atmospheres. To this day, he is an inspiration and valued friend.

David also has added to my understanding of painting and art throughout history: I am significantly drawn to the works of Vermeer, Corot, Van Gogh, and Thomas Eakins and Aldro Hibbard. I also admire Georgia O’Keefe , Mary Cassat, Aden L. Ripley, Frank Benson, Edwin Church, John Twachtman, Rockwell Kent and, not insignificantly, the work of many of my artist friends and instructors.

I have studied with Ernest Saniga of Southern Lancaster County, Pennsylvania,
Don Stone of Monhegan Island, Maine, Katherina Keoughan of Damariscotta and Friendship, Maine, Carolyn Walton of Owl’s Head, ME, Donald Moser of Rockport, MA., on Isle of Aran, Scotland with friend and instructor Anne McLeod of Yarmouth, ME, and Richard Mc Daniel in Santa Rosa, CA.

I have been featured in many exhibitions including Pastel Painter’s of Maine Art Show, (Kennebunk, ME, )(award) Moxie Studio Annual Invitational Art Exhibit (Friendship and Cousins Islands, ME), Bryan Memorial Gallery,(Jeffersonville, VT.), Big Arts Annual Art Shows, (Sanibel, Fl.)(awards), Coral Beach, FL. (award), Yarmouth History Center (ME) Solo Exhibition, Chocolate Church Art Center (Bath, ME), River Arts Art Center (Damariscotta, ME),The Center for Contemporary Art, (Rockport, ME), The North Shore Arts Association Annual Exhibition (Gloucester, MA.), The Rockport (Ma) art Center, The Moxie Studio & Gallery annual exhibition, and the Annual Yarmouth, Maine, Art exhibit.

My work has been included in numerous private and Corporate collections and has been represented by “Archipelago” at the Farnsworth Museum (Rockland, ME), Art By The Sea (Owl’s Head, Maine), Yarmouth Frame Shop & Gallery, Couleur Collection (Falmouth, ME). numerous galleries on the West Coast of Florida, Loomis Studio South Dakota, Pine Capital Corp. (Portland, Maine) . I am also very grateful to the many friends who have purchased my pieces and offered encouragement throughout my artistic career.

My memberships include The Seaside Atelier (Yarmouth, ME), The SanibelCaptiva Art League of Florida, The Bryan Memorial Gallery (Jeffersonville ,Vt), Pastel Painters of Maine , The Peabody Essex Museum of Salem, Ma.,. and The Rockport Art Association (Rockport, MA).

Though primarily an oil painter with “classical” training, I also enjoy pastels, acrylics and collage. An interested observer might ask “what is your primary style?” Answer: “I don’t have one”. I choose compositions that express my at-the-moment frame of mind. Thus, I have three or four paintings going at once, which could be realist or surrealist, symbolic, impressionist, abstract, plein air, pointillist, portraiture and/or experimentally, playfully creative. I tend to represent landscapes and nature most often in one mode or another. I’m a passionate artist. I NEED to be creatively dynamic and I need to teach; to pass on my enthusiasm. I cherish my students and am inspired by their eagerness to learn , their “pure” senses and their resulting accomplishments. My goal is to express peace, humor ,diversion ,relief and/or revelations : escape from the fast-paced, convoluted and often disturbing aspects of daily life.